Postdoctoral Research Associate II, COLLEge of information science, University of Arizona
UX and Community RESEARCHer, System for Earth and ExtraTerrestrial Sample REgistration (SESAR)


Accessible, Efficient, AND Ethical Data Sharing and Sample DISCOVERY + REUSE for The global science Community

A geoscientist by training, I work to increase the discoverability, use, and curation of scientific sample collections and data for future generations of scientists and the public. With a decade of sample-based, geochemistry-focused research experience, I understand firsthand the individual needs and constraints of end users navigating the complex and evolving web of open data resources, emerging best practices, funder mandates, and publisher guidelines. I collaborate with library and information scientists, systems engineers, researchers, publishers, and academic societies to develop and drive solutions that reduce friction in the open science ecosystem and deliver on individual stakeholder goals and needs.


Recent News


November 19, 2024

I'm thrilled to have been elected to the AGU Board of Directors, and look forward to beginning work alongside fellow Directors, AGU staff, and AGU volunteers during an exciting and important time for the organization!


October 24, 2024

Excited to present a talk to researchers at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History as part of NMNH’s Informatics and Data Science Center (IDSC) seminar series. I presented in my capacity as an ESIP 2023-2024 Community Fellow and on behalf of a large co-author team on a forthcoming output highlighting use case needs and sociotechnical barriers to a functioning physical sample persistent identifier ecosystem.


October 2, 2024

AGU’s revised policy statement on data has been approved and released! AGU’s policy statements are revised on ~5 year timescales, and I enjoyed serving on this year’s committee tasked with revising and incorporating AGU member input.


May 21, 2024

Thrilled to be featured in AGU’s “Monthly Volunteer Spotlight” for my work collaborating with AGU’s Open Science Leadership Team during my tenure as a 2023-2024 Voices for Science Advocate and involvement with AGU’s Digital User Group. Working across several AGU teams has been informative, rewarding, and a boon to my own professional development.


University of Minnesota- Twin Cities (Minneapolis, MN)

Ph.D. Earth Sciences, Metamorphic Geology and Tectonics
July 2023

University of Texas at Austin (Austin, Tx)

B.S. Geological Sciences with Special Honors
December 2016

University of Texas at Austin (Austin, Tx)

B.A. Plan II Liberal Arts Honors
December 2016


Digital archival and management of geomaterials
UX/UI design for scientific data resources
Data standards
Data resource interoperability

Select Awards & Distinctions

2023 Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Community Fellow
2023 American Geophysical Union Voices for Science Fellow, Policy Track
2022 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Nominee, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
2019 Big 10 Predoctoral Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution
2019 Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)
2017 Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)
2014 Smithsonian Institution Natural History Research Experience Finalist